On site Test of FDR
Gradation of FDR base layer:
The gradation of the in-situ pulverized materials
should meet the criteria given in MoRD specifications as presented in Table 1.
However, if the gradation obtained is different, then additional material of
desired sizes shall be mixed and mix design can be done subjected to meet the
desired gradation, strength, and durability criteria. .
A well graded mixture is critical to ensure the FDR layer will be strong and
durable with the minimum amount of cement.
Before pulverization:
The gradation of existing base is done
before pulverization, if the gradation obtained is different, then additional
material of desired sizes shall be mixed to obtain aggregate soil ratio as per
mix design/Job Mix Formula (JMF). Test format of before gradation is given
Client: |
Contractor: |
Sieve Analysis (FDR Mix) |
Package No./ Road Name:
Chainage/Location |
Date of Sampling: |
Sample By: |
Date of Testing: |
Tested By: |
Description of material: |
Before pulverization |
Weight of material taken (gm) |
IS Sieve Size (mm) |
Weight Retained on Sieve (gm) |
Cumulative Weight Retained (gm) |
Cumulative Percentage Weight Retained (gm) |
Percentage Passing |
Specified Limit
Lower |
Upper |
53.00 |
100 |
100 |
37.50 |
95 |
100 |
19.00 |
45 |
100 |
9.50 |
35 |
100 |
475 |
25 |
100 |
0.600 |
8 |
65 |
0.300 |
5 |
40 |
0.075 |
0 |
10 |
Contractor PMU
PIU’s (Representative) (Representative) (Representative)
Gradation after pulverization is done to
check aggregate soil ratio pulverization FDR based layer as per mix design or
Job Mix Formula (JMF). Test format of after gradation is given below:
Client: |
Contractor: |
Sieve Analysis (FDR Mix) |
Package No./ Road Name:
Chainage/Location |
Date of Sampling: |
Sample By: |
Date of Testing: |
Tested By: |
Description of material: |
After Pulverization |
Weight of material taken
(gm) |
IS Sieve Size (mm) |
Weight Retained on Sieve (gm) |
Cumulative Weight Retained (gm) |
Cumulative Percentage Weight Retained (gm) |
Percentage Passing |
Specified Limit
Lower |
Upper |
53.00 |
100 |
100 |
37.50 |
95 |
100 |
19.00 |
45 |
100 |
9.50 |
35 |
100 |
475 |
25 |
100 |
0.600 |
8 |
65 |
0.300 |
5 |
40 |
0.075 |
0 |
10 |
Contractor PMU
PIU’s (Representative) (Representative) (Representative)
Moisture content:
Moisture Content or Natural Moisture content
is amount of moisture content present in FDR layer before pulverization. To
obtained optimum moisture it is crucial to determine natural moisture content,
because it tell as require water content to obtain optimum moisture content.
Controlling the moisture content of the
reclaimed material is crucial for proper compaction and achieving the desired
strength. Water is added to the mix as needed to optimize the moisture content
for compaction.
Client: |
Contractor: |
Moisture Content Test |
Package No./ Road Name:
Sample By: |
Date of Testing: |
Tested By: |
Description of material: |
Description |
Trail-1 |
Trail-2 |
Trail-3 |
Trail4 |
Trail-5 |
Location/ Chainage: |
Side: |
Weight of Container/Trey (gms),
W1 |
Weight of Container + Wet Material (gms), W2 |
Weight of Container + Dry Material
(gms), W3 |
Weight of Water(gms), W4 = W3 - W2 |
Weight Dry Material (gms),
W5 = W3 - W1 |
Moisture Content
(%)= (W4/W5)x100 |
Average (%) |
PIU’s (Representative)
Cement Spreading Rate:
It is amount of cement required for per square
unit for pulverization as per mix design. Spreading rate of cement depends on
the percentage, depth, and maximum dry density of FDR mix.
Client: |
Contractor: |
Spreading rate test for cement |
Package No./ Road Name: |
Chainage/Location |
Date of Sampling: |
Sample By: |
Date of Testing: |
Tested By: |
Description of material: |
S. NO. |
Trail-1 |
Trail-2 |
Trail-3 |
Trail4 |
Trail-5 |
Location/ Chainage: |
Side: |
Area of tray in (m2): (A) |
Wt of Empty Tray (kg) (B) |
Wt of Tray + Material
(kg) © |
Wt. of Material (kg) (D= C-B) |
Rate of Spray (kg/m2) (E=D/A) |
Average Rate of Cement
Spreading (Kg/m2) : |
Required Limit
of Cement Spreading (Kg/m2) : |
Remark: |
PIU’s (Representative)
(Representative) |
Mixing uniformity:
For to check mixing uniformity Visual
inspection is done at regular interval. It depends on the experience of
technical staff present at site for execution work.
For cement content commonly used chemical
to determine the presence of calcium in cement-stabilized materials is
For aggregate Mixing uniformity of FDR
layer is check by collecting FDR base material after Pulverization at 30m to
40m interval to check gradation for aggregate soil ratio and mixing uniformity
is checked by visual inspection if larger size aggregate settled at lower than
reclaimer RPM higher and speed of reclaimer is higher, it should range from
4m/min to 6m/min for best result.
Thickness of Stabilized Layer:
Depth of FDR layer is checked by
Phenolphthalein Test indication by making the pit/hole on compacted FDR layer.
Client: |
Contractor: |
Test for Depth of Pulverization |
Package No./ Road Name:
Chainage/Location |
Date of Testing: |
Tested By: |
Description of material: |
Sr. No. |
Depth of Pit/Hole (mm) |
Depth of FDR Base Layer (mm) |
Phenolphthalein Test Result (satisfactory/unsatisfactory) |
PMU PIU’s (Representative)
(Representative) (Representative) |
Immediately after final rolling is completed, in-place density tests should be performed at several locations on the first few sections completed. A density gauge can be used to determine the degree of compaction obtained in the field to avoid disturbance in the stabilized layer. It should be noted that density gauges should be properly calibrated, operated, and maintained to ensure that results are accurate. In the absence of density gauge, Sand replacement method or determination of density of extracted core by wax coating method may be used. The density of the layer should not be less than 100% of the maximum density of the cement-treated mix as determined in the laboratory. Test format for sand replacement method is given below:
Client: |
Contractor: |
Field Density test by Sand Replacement
Method |
No./ Road Name: |
of material: |
of Test: |
Chainage: |
density of sand (Ys) |
OMC of material (%) : |
MDD of material (gm/cc)
: |
Pouring cylinder, no : |
Weight of sand in cone (gm) : |
Description |
Unit |
Trail-2 |
Trail-3 |
Trail4 |
Trail-5 |
Test Pit Location (Chainage) |
Offset |
m |
Wt. of Wet material
from hole (Ww) |
gm |
Wt. of sand + cylinder before
pouring, (W1) |
gm |
Wt. of sand + cylinder after
pouring, (W2) |
gm |
Wt. of sand in hole &
cone, (W3) gm |
gm |
Wt. of sand in hole, W4 = (W1-W2-W3) |
gm |
Volume of the hole, Vh = W4/Ys |
cc |
Bulk Density of material Yb = {(Ww/Vh} |
gm/cc |
Content |
Wt. of Wet
Soil (W1) |
gm |
Wt. of Dry Soil (W2) |
gm |
Moisture Content
(w)= (W1-W2/W2)*100 |
% |
Result |
Field max. dry density Yd = {Yb/(1+(w/100))} |
gm/cc |
Compaction obtained, ((Yd / Yd (Max))*100) |
% |
Average Compaction obtained |
% |
Remark: |
PIU’s (Representative)
(Representative) |
Camber of base should be provided as per
the guidelines of project. Camber is checked by auto level or by the camber
plate whichever available on the site.
UCS Test (from cubes):
Cubes are casted from the pulverized
material on site on daily basis and should be checked at the interval of 7 Days
and 28 Days at the site laboratory. Testing should be done in the presence of
Govt./client representative. Format for FDR cube test is as given below:
Client: |
Contractor: |
Unconfined Compressive Strength |
Package No./ Road Name: |
Chainage/Location |
Of Casting |
Of Structure |
Of Concrete |
Of Structure |
Of Cement |
Side |
Area Of Cubes |
Sr. No. |
Wt. of cube (gm) |
Density (gm/cc) |
Date of Testing |
Age of Specimen |
Load (KN) |
Compressive Strength |
Average Compressive Strength (N/mm2) |
Remark: |
PIU’s (Representative)
(Representative) |
Test Frequency:
It is prudent to conduct periodic testing
during construction to confirm that the properties of materials being used are
within the range of value anticipated during the design. Quality control tests
and their minimum desirable frequency are as given in Table-1 for tests to be
conducted during construction . Tests indicated here are minimum number of
tests to be conducted in any project. However, PIU or Contractor may carry out
a greater number of tests if they so desire. Tests to be conducted by State Quality
Monitors (SQMs) and National Quality Monitors (NQMs), departmental senior
officers during their inspections will be in addition to these tests. All these
quality tests/checks are to be considered incidental to works, and no separate
payment shall be made. Contractor’s laboratory must be well equipped to carry
out these tests.
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