Pile foundation is the deep foundation in which generally a cylindrical structural member made up of steel, concrete, timber, composite material is driven into the soil or formed in-suit by excavating a hole and filling it with concrete. Piles transfer the loads from structures to hard strata, rocks, or soil with high bearing capacity. This type of foundation is generally adopted whenever hard strata (soil has good bearing capacity) is available at great depth and the top soil has poor bearing capacity.
Despite the cost, the use of piles often is necessary to ensure
structural safety. The following list identifies some of the conditions that require pile
- When one or more upper soil layers are highly compressible and too weak to support the load transmitted by the superstructure, piles are used to transmit the load to
underlying bedrock or a stronger soil layer, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 |
When bedrock
is not encountered at a reasonable depth below the ground surface, piles are used to
transmit the structural load to the soil gradually. The resistance to the applied structural load is derived mainly from the frictional resistance developed at the soil–pile
interface as shown in figure 2. |
Figure 2
- When subjected to horizontal forces (Figure 3), pile foundations resist by
bending, while still supporting the vertical load transmitted by the superstructure.
This type of situation is generally encountered in the design and construction of
earth-retaining structures and foundations of tall structures that are subjected to high
wind or to earthquake forces.
Figure 3 |
- In many cases, expansive and collapsible soils may be present at the site of a proposed structure. These soils may extend to a great depth below the ground surface.
Expansive soils swell and shrink as their moisture content increases and decreases,
and the pressure of the swelling can be considerable. If shallow foundations are
used in such circumstances, the structure may suffer considerable damage.
However, pile foundations may be considered as an alternative when piles are
extended beyond the active zone, which is where swelling and shrinking occur.
(Figure 4)
Figure 4 |
Soils such as loess are collapsible in nature. When the moisture content of these
soils increases, their structures may break down. A sudden decrease in the void ratio of
soil induces large settlements of structures supported by shallow foundations. In such cases, pile foundations may be used in which the piles are extended into stable soil
layers beyond the zone where moisture will change.
- The foundations of some structures, such as transmission towers, offshore
platforms, and basement mats below the water table, are subjected to uplifting
forces. Piles are sometimes used for these foundations to resist the uplifting force.
(Figure 5.)
Figure 5 |
- Bridge abutments and piers are usually constructed over pile foundations to avoid
the loss of bearing capacity that a shallow foundation might suffer because of soil
erosion at the ground surface. ( Figure 6)
Figure 6 |
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